Happy Side Hustle VIP Club

How much more likely are you to successfully launch your happy side hustle if:

  • You have unlimited access to book a session with me any time you HAVE A WOBBLE or GET STUCK?
  • You can tap into my 15 years of experience of SETTING UP HAPPY SIDE HUSTLES?
  • It’s true - you can easily turn a hobby or idea into a lucrative side hustle.

    My Happy Side Hustle training programme will take you through the exact steps I take each time I set up a side hustle. And each week there is a group coaching session on Facebook, however, if you would like personalised 1-1 support, the VIP club is for you.

    Because after 15 years of side hustling, I can partner with you as you set up your successful side business. I love clear and concise advice, so I offer 15-minute laser-focused Zoom sessions. This is your opportunity to ask me questions and discuss any challenges specific to your side hustle idea. When you are in the VIP programme, you have access to the daily training tasks and the group coaching sessions, but on top of all that, you also have unlimited access to me for a full year.

14 Modules

8 Week Training - Set Up Your Side Hustle - Introduction

So, you have decided you would like to start a side hustle, congratulations! 

This is so exciting!! 

Thanks to the internet, its never been easier to share your hobby with the world - and make extra cash doing it.

Perhaps you have thought about starting a side hustle in the past, but never quite got it off the ground.

Or maybe this is the first time you have given serious consideration to setting up an online business.

Whatever your story, now is the time to start.

Week 1: Create a Vision and Choose Your Ideal Customer

What does success look like for you? 

Being clear on your vision helps you to set targets and can be used as a yardstick for decisions.

You need to be clear on exactly what you want your side hustle to look like in order to ensure that any decisions you make take you closer to your goal.

Week 2: It's Time to Choose a Side Hustle Name and Price

Marketing to everyone simply doesn't work. I know it seems logical to try to appeal to lots of customers at the same time. The trouble is, a 'one size fits all' approach can end up missing the market and not connecting with anyone.

Today you need to get really specific. I know you will want to make your 'thing' suitable for everyone, but trust me on this, the more specific you are, the more you niche, the more successful you will be.

Week 3: The Serious Stuff

Lots of practicalities this week.

Open a Business Bank Account

Getting Paid

Business Insurance / Certificates / Licences

Policies & Legislation

All the serious stuff. 

Week 4: Implementation Week

I am aware that the daily tasks are fast and furious and that life sometimes gets in the way.

Enjoy the first implementation week, take the time to catch up on any tasks you have missed.

Week 5: Get Your Offer Online

Do you need a website? Or is there an easier way to have an online presence?

Let me show you a super simple way to create a logo and explain why brilliant photos are absolutely critical when selling a product or service online.

Then it is time to create your offer so you are almost ready to launch your side hustle!

Week 6: Time to Launch!

Now you have set up your online home, the next step is to let people know about it. 

It's time to pick a launch date!

Start by roping in the help of your friends and family, plan a physical launch party and follow it with the easiest way of drawing maximum attention to your new side hustle - and it is totally free!

Week 7: Implementation Week

Now we are 6 weeks into the mastermind, it is possible that you need some time to catch up.

Enjoy the last implementation week, take the time to catch up on any tasks you have missed.

Week 8: Grow Your Side Hustle

Build on your launch activity by working on more advanced strategies to grow your side hustle.

From gathering social proof, setting up a way to keep in touch with your customers and committing to an easy and fun marketing schedule, your side hustle will go from strength to strength.

Keep tweaking as you go and it is time for a celebration, you are truly up and running and well on the way to creating your pot of extra cash!

Modules for this product 14

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